Transformed in My Plans

Without a proper understanding of the nature of God, we can become paralyzed by worry.

Transformed in My Possessions

If we are not careful we won’t own our possessions, they'll own us.

Transformed in My Prayer

Without a healthy prayer life, we will not experience the spiritual transformation that God desires for us.

Transformed in My Worship

Worship at its core is delighting in God. It is a response to the greatness of God.

Accept One Another

Most of us don't like to be around difficult people. We like our relationships to be easy. But is it okay to reject someone whom God has accepted?

Forgive One Another

When it comes to forgiveness, we know we're supposed to give it, so why do we refuse or allow incorrect beliefs to keep us stuck?

Encourage One Another

Sooner or later, we all need encouragement. We’ll be stuck without it!

Teach One Another

Why is it that we can come to church week after week to be taught from the scriptures and still face difficult issues in our lives? We don’t know what to do. We’re stuck.

Serve One Another

No one likes to be around self-serving people. However, if we're honest, that's exactly how most of us operate. We do what’s best for us when it’s convenient for us.
