Does Science Disprove the Resurrection? PART 1

Does Science Disprove the Resurrection? PART 1

Jun 04, 2017 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Discussion Guide

Passage: John 20:24-31

The concept of a physical, bodily existence after death is known a laughable thought by the educated. Join us this week as we turn to one of the most famous doubters of all: Thomas. Just like many of us today, Thomas doubted something that seemed “improbable” to him… the news of Christ’s resurrection. It did not fit his worldview. The news about Christ’s resurrection was “unbelievable” to him, so he doubted it. Today, just like Thomas, many people doubt the resurrection because of the claims of science, claiming that science has “proven” Christianity wrong. However, we will see that science’s claim on miracles is impossible by its own standard. Science and miracles are not at odds with each other. In fact, it takes faith to say that there are no miracles.

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