WEATHER ALERT: Thursday night service is on as scheduled.DETAILS



Middle School Ministry

6th - 8th grade students

Our mission is to guide middle school students to lives of Gospel transformation and foster Biblical community while helping students grow in their love for God’s Word and the Church.


Wednesday | 5:15 PM - 7:45 PM | WORSHIP CENTER

(Service begins at 6:00 PM in the Worship Center. Activities take place in the Atrium, outside Welcome 1, and in the Town Square.)

Sunday | 8:20 AM, 9:40 AM & 11:00 AM | SMALL GROUPS IN THE CHAPEL


Every Thursday night and Sunday morning service, our children experience an exciting and safe environment that captures their hearts and attention using Large and Small Group sessions.


In this service your student will experience worship through song, the reading and teaching of God’s Word, engaging and fun activities, Small Group discussion, and a time of community building before and after service.

High School Ministry

9th - 12th grade students

Our mission is to guide middle school students to lives of Gospel transformation and foster Biblical community while helping students grow in their love for God’s Word and the Church.


Wednesday | 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM | Worship Center
Sunday | 8:20 AM & 9:40 AM | Small Groups in Room 501
Sunday | 11:00 AM | Worship in The Worship CenteR

(front right section)


Our high school students grow together by diving deeper into the previous Wednesday’s message and discussing the spiritual application through age-appropriate and Christ-centered discussion questions. High school Small Groups are separated by grade and gender.


In this service your student will experience worship through song, the reading and teaching of God’s Word, Small Group discussion, and a time of community building.

Thursday Student Service

New Vision Students will begin to offer a Thursday night worship service option. We are incredibly excited about this service because we want to reach and disciple as many students as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This service will be similar to our Wednesday night service - so students are not encouraged to attend both. The goal is to engage students who are unable to participate on Wednesday nights.

Thursdays beginning January 16th, 2025
Middle School & High School
5:15 - 7:15PM | Service at 6PM

For more information, email .


When Does Thursday Night Service Start?

January 9th:  Soft Launch Preview Service (Launch team, Thursday attendees, and friends invited to service)

January 16th:  Thursday Night Service Kickoff

Can I join the Launch Team?

Yes! We are looking for dedicated students and adults to join our launch team. We have many different roles and opportunities for you to be a part of it. If you are interested, please email .

Does Thursday Night Service replace Wednesday Service?

No, Thursday night does not replace Wednesday night; rather, it is another option for reaching and discipling students.

The following are some of the reasons for Thursday Night Service:
  1. Students for whom Thursday night is a more convenient night for worship (Additional opportunity to reach students who do not or cannot attend Wednesday night service.)
  2. Students looking for a smaller environment.
  3. Students of families who attend Thursday night service and groups.
  4. Students who miss a Wednesday night service but still want to attend student worship.
  5. Students looking for a different opportunity to be involved in ministry.
Should I come to both Thursday Night and Wednesday Night Service?

Students are not encouraged to attend both Wednesday night service and Thursday service unless they are part of the Launch Team or in a leadership role.

Is Wednesday Night Service the same as Thursday?

Yes and no. We will have all of the same elements: community time, worship, teaching, and small groups, as well as the same message series as Wednesday night. However, there will be different leaders and a different location. Also, middle and high school will meet in the same room (split, with separate groups and seating locations).

Who is the Thursday night service for?

All Middle and High School students are encouraged to attend Thursday night service. However, unless students are part of the Launch Team or in a leadership role, students are not encouraged to attend both Wednesday and Thursday services during the same week.

Who are the leaders of the Thursday night service?

The Thursday night service is led by an amazing team of leaders. Many of these leaders have numerous years of experience in ministry and feel a calling to full-time ministry.

Where will the Thursday night service meet?

We are excited that students will be able to meet on the second floor of the new Groups building. The second floor has a specially designed room for games, gatherings, and worship. Students should enter through the RECEPTION entrance on Thursday nights.

What is the schedule for the Thursday night service?

The student service time on Thursday night will coincide with our adult service in the worship center, which is 6:00 – 7:15. The Thursday night student area will open at 5:15 so that students can participate in activities and build community.

What is the adult-to-student ratio on Thursday nights?

The approximate adult-to-student ratio will be one adult for every seven students. As the Thursday service grows, we will seek to maintain or lower this ratio.

Parent Resources


Axis Resources connect parents, pastors, teachers, guidance counselors, and any caring adult to the teens and pre-teens in their lives through meaningful conversation. By helping you engage the ever-changing world of pop-culture we hope to help teens develop a Christian worldview and life-long faith in Jesus Christ.  Axis enters you into the conversations of today's youth and equips you to help them navigate the world in a God-honoring way.

To learn more about Axis and sample Axis Resources follow the steps below.

  • CLICK HERE to find more information, downloadable Parent Guides, and a link to sign up for an Axis Membership.

Kids Next Steps Classes

If your child is asking questions about salvation or baptism, we would love to walk alongside your family during this time and help make sure he/she has the best understanding possible. We invite you to sign up for our New Believer’s Classes for Kids. During this 3-week set of classes, we will walk through the Gospel with your child, and discuss salvation and baptism.

These classes are offered quarterly throughout the year on Sunday afternoon and one guardian must attend with the child.

I'm interested
