Small Groups

Small Groups are one of the most effective ways for us to live out New Vision’s mission of guiding people into lives of gospel transformation. 

Our Small Groups are where we exercise the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), deepen our understanding of God’s Word, establish accountability, and build lifelong, Christ-centered friendships. It’s the single best way for people to gather for community, care, content, and connection! The groups that we provide cover all ages and demographics, so the next step is to figure out the where and the when that are best for your spiritual growth.

Find A Group

We offer Small Groups that meet on campus on Sundays and throughout the week at various times, often in coordination with children’s programming that is provided onsite. These groups are a great way to experience biblical community with the convenience of a comfortable and accessible meeting space.

For those seeking a more intimate environment and flexible schedule, we offer Small Groups that meet in homes throughout our community on a weekly basis. We provide childcare reimbursement for our off-campus groups in order to help them meet. Our desire is that no matter when or where you meet, you can expect the same level of community, growth, and transparency in any of our Small Group settings.

Launch Groups are designed to help you connect with others, especially if you are new to groups! Launch Groups meet for a specific period of time on-campus with other groups in a large room. One of our pastors will lead this room in discussion about the sermon series or various life topics with the focus of getting to know one another and building relationships. Then, at a certain point, the group will launch to become either an on or off-campus group.

Care Groups provide gospel-centered resources and choices, helping people learn to apply God’s truths to specific struggles. For more information please go to

Each of our recreational sports have a component of group life attached to them to help you grow deeper in your walk with Christ and to strengthen your relationship with your teammates. We can’t wait to see you for next competition!

Click HERE to find more information on how to get involved in our Recreation ministry.

If you’re interested in joining a group, click below to find a group that’s right for you!

Group Interest Form

 Always feel free to stop by the Hub at either one of our campuses and someone will be there to answer your questions about Small Groups and help get you connected.


Small groups are one of the most effective ways that people can engage content, connection, care, and community at New Vision!

We are excited to feature our small groups that are designed for young families of preschool, elementary, and middle-school aged children in our small group building space. 

Click below to see all the various groups that are offered at New Vision!

find a group

Group Resources

We want your Small Group experience to be as beneficial as possible. Below are some resources that can help guide you through the discipleship process.

Daily Discipleship Plan

Are you desiring to grow in your walk with Christ? Does your group wish to engage with God’s Word together? One of our measures at New Vision that we ask ourselves is “when am I turning the pages?” The Daily Discipleship Plan aids you in addressing that question both individually and as a group. Here are the steps to begin:

1. Grab yourself a journal or purchase one here: PURCHASE HERE

2. Click on the Daily Plan bookmark and download it to view the questions that we pose each day as we listen to or read Scripture.  DAILY READING BOOKMARK  

3. On the back of the bookmark, utilize the QR codes to access the podcast and/or daily reading plan. Alternatively, you can access the podcast and daily reading plan for this semester here:   DAILY READING PLAN  &  PODCAST

Small Group Discussion Guides

These guides provide questions based on the sermon that promote deeper discussion and conversation. You can receive access to the sermon discussion guides by emailing 

RightNow Media

With over 10,000 Bible studies and videos, RightNow Media has been called the Netflix of Small Group resources. If you don't have a login, EMAIL US and we'll send you an invite to join. It's free to anyone active in a New Vision Small Group.

Borrowing Curriculum

New Vision has a variety of physical Bible study resources available for you to borrow. Email for more information or to request a resource.

Find Our Next Study Guide

Resource Track PDF

We recognize that there is an abundance of resources and curriculum available at the click of a button with today’s technology. However, not all content aligns with New Vision’s doctrine and teaching. This resource track allows you to see some of the approved resources that we use. If you would like to use content outside of this resource track, we ask that you email

Childcare Reimbursement

We're passionate about every adult being in a group. If you need childcare in order to participate in an off-campus Small Group, we can provide childcare reimbursement at a predetermined rate.

More Info

Touch Point Login
Leader Guide

CLICK HERE to download our Small Group Leader Guide. It has all the necessary information to lead your group well!

Training Videos

CLICK HERE to view our Group Leader training videos. These videos will help you prepare and grow as a Group Leader.

Small Group Leader Course

Along with the various courses that are available through New Vision Institute, you can sign up for New Vision’s Small Group Leader Course, provided exclusively for Small Group leaders. Learn the principles of leading a Small Group, discuss best practices, and be prepared to take your leadership to the next level! To get registered email .

Group Serving Opportunities

One of the best ways to build a strong group connection is to serve together! These are just a few suggestions, and we encourage you to think of other ways your group can serve the church and our community together. For more information on Group serving opportunities, contact .


“Drive Thrus and Discipleship” | Listen along with Joseph “Dr. J” Brasher and Nick Person as they talk through what it means to be a disciple. With deep conversations and a few special guests, you'll be sure to leave with a good word and a laugh!

Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple
