Where Is PRAYER Leading Me?

Where Is PRAYER Leading Me?

Jul 24, 2016 | John Spurgeon

Sermon Notes

As we pray, God conforms our desires to his, resulting in transformed hearts ready to receive his guidance. Join us this week to hear a word from guest speaker, John Spurgeon.


john4If you ask Pastor John who he is, he'll tell you "I am a sinner saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. As a believer, my spiritual bonds of death are broken."

God called New Vision to see the spiritual and physical bonds in our prison systems broken as well! Pastor John leads our prison and jail ministry. His dynamic vision and commitment to prison ministry has reduced recidivism at the Rutherford County Workhouse and the Detention Center, and the lives of many incarcerated men and women as well as prison staff have been radically transformed by the Gospel.

Pastor John and his wife Zion have three childre: Jordan, Joseph, & Julianne.

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