

Feb 05, 2017 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Discussion Guide

Key Scripture: Romans 8:18

We all suffer. We’re all frustrated, bothered, or pained with something, especially if we’re making strides for the Kingdom. If you aren’t suffering right now, then you will be! Whenever we suffer, it seems the only thing we can think about. But Paul says something radical: that our perspective is wrong. In the light of eternity, we should view the cost of suffering with Jesus Christ now as insignificant ("not worthy to be compared"), in view of "the glory" that lies ahead for us (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17). We can persevere in hope because, in view of eternity, these sufferings are light and momentary. This suffering will end! But there’s more, Paul is saying that it is a glory not simply revealed to you, but upon you and in you. Paul is speaking of our own glorification. That glory, which we ourselves will be made to share in when He comes, will cause everything that we have endured now to pale in comparison. Until then, we can cling to Romans 8:18!

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”



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