The Sacrifice of Isaac

The Sacrifice of Isaac

Dec 24, 2016 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Key Scripture: Genesis 22; Selected Texts

It is often said that the measure of our faith in God is revealed by the sacrificial nature of our offerings. Abraham was asked to make a very difficult offering. In Genesis 22 we see that God asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac as a blood sacrifice. Though the Lord eventually stayed Abraham's hand, up until that moment, Abraham believed the Lord would raise Isaac up again (cf. Heb. 11:19). And what about Isaac? He knew what was coming, but he was obedient to his father even unto death; a foreshadow of Jesus Christ who was also obedient to His Father unto death (Phil. 2:8).

The moment that Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram for Abraham to offer instead. God is the one who provides the covering sacrifice for His people. Even before Christmas, when we saw Immanuel “God with us!” we saw Genesis 22:14 “The Lord Will Provide!”

When we read about sacrifice, it turns our attention to Jesus, the final and perfect sacrifice. Since God sacrificed His one and only Son, those who put their faith in Jesus should be willing to show it by offering their best. If God tests us by what we are willing to sacrifice, then we ought to be willing to give up everything, including our life, in devotion to Him.

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