The Call of Abram and Joseph

The Call of Abram and Joseph

Dec 04, 2016 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Key Scriptures: Genesis 12; Matthew 1:18-25

In this first manifestation of God to the patriarchs, God promised land to Abram, although he was still childless.  God invited Abram to become a source of blessing for the rest of humanity. That invitation challenged Abram to abandon the normal sources of personal identity and security; his family and country. To obey, Abram had to trust God implicitly, with all of his human support largely removed. God’s plan for Abram to become a great nation stood in obvious tension with Sarai’s barrenness and the summons to leave his homeland. Abram’s response was immediate and unquestioning obedience.

Much like the story of Abram, a new era in Israel’s history began with the story of Jesus’ conception in the little town of Nazareth. The angel announced to Joseph the conception, explaining that the baby was the prophesied Immanuel. Joseph immediately obeyed the angel’s directive (vv. 24–25). Joseph did as the angel commanded him.” Matthew invites us to learn from Joseph and Abram’s character; obedience. God called Abraham to leave not knowing the destination. He called Joseph to take a pregnant virgin for his wife.

Sometimes God calls us to areas of fear. Will we step into that fear?

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