Stand in the Face of Affliction

Stand in the Face of Affliction

Apr 17, 2016 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Soon after the Thessalonian church was planted, without much time to disciple the new believers in their faith, Paul was forced to leave them. That alone was enough cause for concern, but to make matters worse, the Thessalonian believers faced persecution every day for their hope in Christ. Not knowing how they fared caused Paul much anxiety. He was relieved to learn the affliction they faced did not drive them away from Christ, but only made their faith stronger. They grew in faith as their love abounded for one another, resulting in a holiness that prepared them for Christ’s return.

As we draw closer to the end, persecution will become a way of life for us, as it was for the Thessalonians. Like them, we must face affliction with faith accompanied by love and a pursuit of holiness, so that we too will be ready for our Lord’s return.

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