Myth: Everything Happens For A Reason

Myth: Everything Happens For A Reason

Nov 27, 2016 | Brian Owen

Sermon Notes

Discussion Guide

Passage: Matthew 8:18

“It’s all good!” “Life is good!” “It’s all happening for a reason!” We love these myths. The truth is, things aren’t good. We’re hurting physically and emotionally. When it comes to trying to make sense out of life's trials, no verse gets memorized and misquoted more than Romans 8: 28.

In this fallen world we sin and hurt ourselves; other people sin and hurt us; sometimes things happen for no apparent reason at all. It doesn’t seem to make sense. This passage of scripture does NOT say bad things won't happen. It DOES say that God is at work in all things. God can and will accomplish his good purpose no matter what, and we can trust in His sovereignty knowing that the greatest good is the hope of what will happen amidst all the bad: Salvation and glorification!

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