Lessons From A Man On The Run

Lessons From A Man On The Run

Apr 23, 2017 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Discussion Guide

Passage: Jonah 1:1-16

Jonah was in a good place, doing good work, enjoying a good life. Then God said, “Jonah, I want you to go to another place, and do a different work for the sake of people I love; people who are facing an imminent judgment.”

But Jonah said “No.” He was happy right where he was.

And God, in His infinite mercy and grace, decided Jonah needed an attitude adjustment and took him to a really, really hard place...three days in the dark, stinking belly of a whale. Jonah had some time to think about things and realized God's will is WAY better than anything he could come up with, and said "YES, Lord!"

Much like Jonah, God often calls us to do hard things and far too often, we rebel and go our own way instead of following His plan and His best for us. And just like He did with Jonah, God may shower us with storms of grace in order to bring us back into His perfect will. He rescues us to say yes to him!

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