From The Cross

From The Cross

Mar 20, 2016 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Believing that life should be easy because we are Christians is a trap that will leave us unprepared when trials and tragedies strike. And when they do happen, we should never assume that we've committed a horrible sin or that God has forgotten or doesn't love us.

The death and resurrection of Christ reminds us that things are not always as they appear. On Good Friday, as Jesus hung on the cross, it seemed that everything he had done and said was all for nothing; his worst enemies had won the day. His dearest friends had abandoned him and it looked God had too.

But Friday did not tell the whole story. On Sunday, Jesus overcame the grave, defeated man’s greatest enemy, and accomplished salvation for all who believe in him.

This Easter season we will consider what Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday teach us about the trials we face in life. Suffering is often part of God's plan, but we have a risen King who loves us and empowers us to overcome.

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