Father's Day Part 2

Father's Day Part 2

Jun 26, 2016 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

For twenty-one days, Daniel fasted and prayed for his people. The Jews had been allowed to return to their homeland, but the work of rebuilding was frustrated by enemy opposition and a lack of will by the people. Daniel prayed, begging God to restore the city and the people of God as he had promised to do. To Daniel’s surprise, he received a heavenly visitor who assured Daniel that his prayers had been heard. He also opened Daniel’s eyes to the reality of the unseen spiritual battle that was behind the struggles of God’s people on earth. Daniel learned that he had a champion in heaven who was fighting for him and his people, and so do we. Just as Daniel did not give up in prayer and had confidence that his God would prevail, so too must we stand in faith, believing that in Christ, the victory has already been won.

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