

Mar 19, 2017 | Brady Cooper

Sermon Notes

Discussion Guide

Passage: 2 Timothy 2:14-26

In 2 Timothy, Paul gave us marching orders for how to live and minister in a fallen world and an imperfect church, and each of us, as God’s workman, will be either approved or ashamed.

The word ashamed refers to lack of faithfulness in personal character. Paul’s point is that abandonment from the truth is soon to be followed by indulgence in sin. The word approved means “one who has been tested and found acceptable.” The word was used for testing and approving metals.

As Christians, the trials we face force us to study scripture to find God’s will. As we rightly use the Word and succeed in overcoming our trials, we are approved by God. We cannot be approved unless we are tested. Simply put, if we are going to multiply, it will take character!

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