All Things New

All Things New

Jan 02, 2023 | Nick Person

    He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
    Revelation 21:5 NIV

    I have a confession. Many of you will not be shocked if you have spent any time around New Vision, but if you are new to the New Vision family or someone sent you this devotional, this may be news to you. Wait for it... I like shoes. Cue the "oos" and "ahhs." Not only do I like shoes, but one of my favorite kinds of shoes is "new" shoes. I love the anticipation of taking them out of the box. I do the same thing every time I get a new pair of shoes. I open the box, fold back the paper, take out the first shoe, then (warning, this part is strange) I breathe it in. Honestly, I don't know when I began doing this, but it is what it is.

    If they are not already laced up, I lace them up and slide them on with much care and intentionality. Then, I do a few laps around my house to prepare them for the world. Once I take them into the world, I handle them with care and ensure I don't just walk anywhere. What's interesting is that when I wear new shoes, others notice, not because I tell them, but because I am probably walking a bit differently in them. People will say things like, "I like those shoes," or they will ask questions like, "Did you get new shoes?" Again, not because I am soliciting their questions or comments but because I am walking differently in my new shoes.

    You may wonder, what do new shoes have to do with the text in Revelation? Well, it has everything to do with the verse. John, the beloved disciple, penned the book of Revelation while he was exiled to the island of Patmos. Revelation is a prophetic book, meaning it tells of things to come, but you also must understand the original audience was an oppressed people. John's book was somewhat written so that only those in Christ would understand it. God is the one speaking, and he is revealing to John that he will not only bring about what He promised through Christ, but He will make all things new.

    "All things new..."

    That means you. We as a people are good at telling God what He can or cannot do; we are good at reminding God of our past and why we can't be used for His glory. Remember that you were made new when you said "yes" to Jesus as the King of your life. Now, because of your newness, you walk differently. Yes, there will still be puddles that you will stumble into, but you have shoe guard on your shoes; you may walk in it, but you have been freed from the stains of the muck and the mire. So, walk in a new way because the King has made you new!

    My question for you is: what new way are you going to walk in today? Maybe that way is to start serving somewhere in a local body of believers. Maybe that means that you have said “yes” to Jesus, but you haven’t taken your next step of obedience which we believe is baptism. Maybe that means joining a group of believers and doing life together. All these steps can be taken by going to our website, taking a step in your newness, and clicking one link that corresponds to your step. The key here is that you walk in obedience to your newness.

    Those new shoes look good on you, so walk well in them.

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