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What is Axis?

Axis Resources connects parents, pastors, teachers, guidance counselors, and any caring adult to the teens and pre-teens in their lives through meaningful conversation. They do this by helping you engage the ever-changing world of pop-culture in hopes of helping teens develop a Christian worldview and life-long faith in Jesus Christ. Axis enters you into the conversations of today's youth and equips you to help the youths around you navigate the world around them in a God-honoring way.

Axis does the hard work of the research so you don’t have to! Each week they send out a new Culture Translator to help demystify pop-culture for you. They are also in production of new resources to equip you in family discipleship.

Periodically,  Axis publishes a new Parent’s Guide, a 10-12 page booklet on a given topic. Currently there are more than 100 Parent’s Guides in their library!

They produce Conversation Kits – a moderated conversation between you and your children. These come in a mini-series video format, and have open questions throughout to help foster an open environment for conversation.

Culture Translator Email

Every Friday, Axis sends out the Culture Translator via email – a weekly run-down of the latest happenings of pop-culture. Stay in the know, now!

Parent Guides

Over 100 full guides on current topics so that you and learn everything you need to know to have a confident conversation with your teen or pre-teen. Each come in a downloadable PDF to help you understand the things your teens face, how to have conversations about them, and how to biblically disciple the teens in your life into lifelong faith through it all.

Conversation Kits

These videos are intended to be watched by you and your teen/pre-teen together. Each topic-specific kit contains 3-4 short, easily consumable videos, a discussion guide, and a worksheet. These video conversation starters help you learn and discuss these important issues with your teens in a non-awkward, fun way. Each kit cover a single topic: Tricky issues like gender, pornography, suicide, and drugs as well as philosophical concepts like evangelism, leadership, and identity. Conversation Kits bring different generations together around a central theme: the Gospel.

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